5 December 2013

Marilyn Monroe Best In Show

During the past weekend, once again a double show was held in Israel. Paz Davidovich participated and that more than successfull. On Saturday, the Australian Mr. A.J. Lyn judged. “Ch. Firstprizebears Lorne Green” became Best Of Breed and 3rd Best In Show. “Firstprizebears Marilyne Monroe” became Best Puppy and also became 3rd Best In Show.

The day after, the Danish Mrs. Charlotte Hoier judged the Beardies. Lorne Green stayed at home, but Paz had taken “Marilyne Monroe” with her. Mrs. Hoier wrote one of the most beautiful judging reports I can think of as breeder.

BEST In SHOW for Firstprizebears Marilyne Monroe

Richterbericht Maryline Monreo

It says: A puppy of extreme high quality. I noticed this dog this morning outside of the ring and could not believ my eyes. It is not just a beautiful Bearded Collie Puppy, but a dog of international Top quality. I would eat a broomstick, if this dog is not making a Show Carreer as international superstar. There is nothing I would change on tis dog, except the fact that I would like to be the owner.

We are sooo terribly proud and love the fact that Paz Davidovich is treating our dog with so much Love and Passion.

Lorne Green 3. Best in Show during the first Show day

Firstprizebears Lorne Green 11-13

BEST in SHOW Fristprizebears Marilyne Monroe on the second day.

Firstprizebears Maryline Monroe BIS 11-13

and because we like it so much, here another picture.

Firstprizebears Maiyline Monore 11-13